Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Use of Medical Databases by the Faculty and Researchers of Speech and Hearing Institutions in India: A Study

Authors : Ramamani B & C.P. Ramasesh

The Paper examines the extent of use of medical databases by the faculty and research scholars working in the speech and hearing institutions in India. The study is based on the responses obtained from the faculty and research scholars. The aspects in respect of the frequency of use and the extent of use of the e-databases of e-journals and e-databases are dealt in the study. Further, the research study has highlighted the top ten most useful online journals and medical databases. Research also depicted the need of training for the faculty and research scholars for optimal use of e-resources. The data collected have been analyzed under frequency and percentages, chi-square and Cramer’s V value tests.

 Keywords: Online Medical databases; Speech and Hearing Institutions; e-Resources, Medical Faculty; e-Resources, Research Scholars.

crossref logo 300x99                         DOI: 10.26761/IJRLS.3.2.2017.1258          DOI URL:

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Publication Date :  6 October 2017                   Hits :  1547

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