Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Challenges about Integration of Open Access to Libraries Collection Development Workflows in Nigeria

Authors :  Anthonia U. Echedom & Isaac Echezonam Anyira

This study was generally designed to investigate the challenges to the integration of OAR into libraries collections development workflow in Nigeria. Specifically, the study investigated the challenges to defining OA, and the challenges about making open access material a part of the collection development workflow. The survey method was used for the study. Collections development librarians in selected academic libraries in Nigeria were the target of this study. The questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was administered on respondents via e-mail and social media platforms. This was necessitated by the lockdown imposed by the government as a measure to curtail the spread of the dreaded Covid 19 pandemic. The questionnaire was designed to understand the challenges about defining OA and the challenges about making open access materials a part of the collection development workflow in academic libraries in Nigeria. One hundred and ninety four questionnaires were administered on collection development staff of the following institutions as follows: Federal university Libraries (22), State university libraries (28), private university libraries (47), federal polytechnic libraries (26), state polytechnic libraries (32), and college libraries (38). One hundred and seventy eight (178) questionnaires were however, completed and returned. This implies 92% return rate. All the respondents surveyed are members of the Nigerian Library Association (NLA), and are certified by the Librarians Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN). Data were analyzed using graphical charts. The findings indicate that 60% and 20% of the respondents strongly agree and agree respectively that defining OA is a challenge to collection development; challenges about making OA part of collections development workflow include difficulty in discovering titles for OA selection 86%, OA materials have novel features 90%, OA preservation is complex 60%, licensing/ legal issues 86%, challenges about access and delivery of OA 76%, absence of OA in library school curriculum 80%, absence of OA in librarians’ duty schedule 74%, lack of skills to handle OA integration 68%, slow internet speed and low bandwidth 88%, lack of ICT deployment 58%, erratic power supply 82%, lack of OA handling skills 74%, Others 12%.

The study recommends that IFLA should adopt a holistic definition of OA including the major colours and provide a guide on how to integrate OA into collection development workflow. Also, library and information science curriculum should be reviewed to include OA and emerging technologies. Moreover, libraries should include OA handling skills as part of the job requirement for collections development librarians, while collections development staff should be equipped with relevant OA handling skills through training and retraining. Lastly, libraries should deploy state-of-the-art ICT facilities and high speed internet access, as well as provide uninterrupted power supply preferably solar technology.

 Keywords – Keywords: Academic libraries, Challenges, Collection development, Integration, Open Access.

crossref logo 300x99                           DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.1.2020.1311        DOI URL:

 Cite This Article As: Echedom, A.U. & Anyira, I.E. (2020). Challenges about Integration of Open Access to Libraries Collection Development Workflows in Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(1),190-199.

Copyright © 2020  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date : 9 July 2020  Hits : 580

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